Interlocking Garage 4 birth Complex Log Cabin size 12m x 5m
Interlocking Garages 4 x 3 m x 5m = 12m x 5m
Single Garage size 3m x 5m
Window Size – 4x 1120mm x 560mm
Door Size – 4x 2500mm x 1930mm
Eaves height – 2.2m
Ridge height – 2.8m
This amazing garage complex is perfect for your collection of jet skies, cars, and other stuff, like one for lawn mowers and tools for the garden.
Its a proven fact that a wooden garage is better for your vehicle than a metal or brick garage, also the assemble of a log building is quicker, and the end result looks far more pleasing.
FACTORY LTD offers you credit card facilities also leasing on all our products.